Living in an area in which our priest has sole charge of two large rural parishes (in addition to teaching at a seminary, writing a doctoral thesis, and carrying out administrative obligations for the diocese) I am understandably grateful that Mass is celebrated at our church three or four times each week. Confession, however, is no longer provided in our town at all. Doubtless this is due in part to our priest having so many other demands upon his time, but I also have a sneaking suspicion that it is because frequent confession is not viewed as particularly important by many parishioners.
As a convert, I am continually baffled and dismayed when I encounter the mixture of reluctance and indifference with which so many Catholics view this unspeakably beautiful sacrament. Perhaps I am all the more confused because I clearly recall being desperate to make my first confession; yes, sick with nerves and literally trembling with anxiety, but desperate nonetheless! The fount of mercy was being opened to me at last, and no matter how embarrassing or formidable it seemed, I knew I must go forth and ask before I might find absolution.
Return Of The Prodigal Son - Pompeo Batoni |
Of course, it could be that I am simply a far more frequent sinner than anyone else in our congregation! Lamentably, I'm only half joking about this. I wouldn't be remotely surprised if I was. Still, mercifully, His grace is sufficient.
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